If you still have a somewhat adequate memory, you right remember last year’s Super Bowl half time show. If you have any good taste, you probably tried to forget. It was terrible, which meant Rayna and Tina ate it up. The only mildly interesting part of the entire set was rapper M.I.A flashing the birdie at the camera in front of millions of viewers. Gal’s got guts.

It was only a matter of time before the NFL could finally fine her, and it’s literally taken over a year and a half. They’re demanding that M.I.A should pay $1.5 million for her actions during the halftime show. Holy crap! That’s a whole lotta avocados!

The battle between the NFL and M.I.A has been going on quietly for awhile, but things have been heating up lately as the NFL released this statement regarding the matter, saying she went against the “great value of the goodwill associated with the NFL and the tremendous public respect and reputation for wholesomeness enjoyed by the NFL.” M.I.A’s camp fired back saying, “Of course, the NFL’s claimed reputation for wholesomeness is hilarious in light of the weekly felonies committed by its stars, the bounties placed by coaches on opposing players, the homophobic and racist comments uttered by its players, the complete disregard for the health of players and the premature deaths that have resulted from same.” Aha, an old fashioned mud slinging fest! Except without the mud and the fun.