David Guetta and Mikky Ekko Unite for ‘One Voice’

David Guetta is proving once and for all that EDM truly does save lives. Earlier today, our favorite French DJ that doesn’t wear a robot helmet (sorry Martin Solveig) posted a preview of his video for “One Voice” which was created in conjunction with the United Nations as part of The World Needs More campaign.

The UN describes the World Needs More effort as “a global campaign seeking to turn words into real assistance for communities affected by humanitarian crises.” How PLUR is that?

Dubstep and I encourage everyone to watch the preview for “One Voice” (which you can find below). Then choose a word that’s hatstagged in the clip, tweet that word, and the company sponsoring that particular word will donate $1 to the campaign. Just to make things simple, we decided to include a list of each featured word and its sponsor:

Intel: #Empowerment

Barclays Bank: #Inclusion

Western Union: #Education

Sergio Vieira de Mello Foundation: #Dialog

GlaxoSmithKline: #Healthcare

KT: #Dreams

Crescent Enterprises: #Entrepreneurs

Gucci: #Strength

Oh, and by the way, the actual “One Voice” song is totally PLUR too! Mikky Ekko (who you might remember from Rihanna’s “Stay”) provides the perfect vocals for Guetta’s always amazing beats. Big shout out to Mikky!

As promised, here’s the video!!! Be sure to tweet out the designated words and prepare for the full-length “One Voice” video which will debut on November 4 along with the “One Voice” single. The World Needs More campaign is currently scheduled to continue through December so you have plenty of time to tweet!

What do you think of The World Needs More campaign? Let us know in the comments below!